Getting kids organised on any given day can be a task in itself!
Some kids are naturally more organised than others, and others are just happy to go with the flow. By developing excellent organisational skills and routines early on, it gives your child a focused sense of accomplishment and sets the benchmark to persevere, follow through and complete a task.
Most kids love to play a sport or participate in extracurricular activities. Be it dance classes, football, or perhaps even play a musical instrument. So all parents' have heard “Where is this, Mum?” or “Where are my shoes?” just as you're rushing out the door! With such busy lifestyles and keeping up school and all their interests, some things will be amiss. And that's ok.
Let's make organising fun and easy with these six simple hacks and teach your children organisation at home, when travelling, at sport, and for any activities.
Every child needs a checklist of what they will need for school, camp, travel or other activities. Get your children into the habit of writing out a “To-Do List” or a “Must bring list” the night before. This can include homework, household chores, items for the class, or camp.
Everything they need to remember should be written down where they can easily find it and see it. Children can use mobile apps, a diary, post-its, a planner, an iPad, a whiteboard, or on a calendar - and make sure it's easily accessible.
| There is a sense of achievement when your child 'ticks off' their completed tasks, and it’s a high confidence and self-esteem builder!
Kids tend to throw everything in their bag without thought for consequences, particularly those leftover, pungent half-eaten sandwiches or smelly sports whiffy!
Everything has its place. Teaching children the skill of being organised is not only essential, but it also helps them to find something when they need it. How do you do this? By segmenting their schoolwork into folders and their school bag into activities and what is required for school.
You put their lunch in the lunch box, assign colours to each school subject. For example, blue folders and notebooks for maths and green folders for science subjects, so why take it one step further and put their shoes or clothes in separate cotton bags or their swimwear in a waterproof bag. Everything then has its place - and it's organised!.
Kazzi Kovers breathable cotton bags help kids associate what is in the bag with the colour of the bag. It enhances their memory, much like the Memory card game. For example, their shoes are kept separately in the blue cotton bag, and their spare/clean clothes for camp or school are held in the chevron print bag. This way, they can find what they need quickly, put it back in the same bag, and any mud or dirt is confined to the bag and not whooshed throughout their main bag. Simple.
| Have children lay out all the items they'll need for a school, a stayover, camp, dance class, activity or just for the day. This way they can see what is, what they've missed, and if they need that item.

Avoid using plastic bags for storing or packing their belongings as they smell, promote bacteria and are not good for the environment. It can take between 20 - 1000 years for plastic bags to decompose, if at all. This creates copious amounts of dangerous land-fill and will impact our children and future generations.
Managing their time consists of three steps: Planning, prioritising and estimating the time frame to get things done. Creating a regular routine for homework, dinner time, sports time, playtime, and bedtime will help your child get used to daily patterns. They'll learn when it's time for work and when it's time for fun!
Managing their time consists of three steps: Planning, prioritising and estimating the time frame to get things done. Creating a regular routine for homework, dinner time, sports time, playtime, and bedtime will help your child get used to daily patterns. They'll learn when it's time for work and when it's time for fun!
| Routines that are regularly followed contribute to children being organised, staying focused, and being consistent with what needs to be done and when it needs to be done.
Set aside space in their bedroom, a separate study or at home where your child can work without interruption or distractions. Keep school supplies and technology such as laptops or tablets, calculators, and stationery nearby. The less clutter, the better. Always have a glass or bottle of water on their desk to replenish them.
Encourage your children to consciously put away (insert whining!) dirty clothes, toys, school stuff, and miscellaneous items immediately after using it or when they come home from school, or a friends place or the day out.
Putting things away will instantly clear up valuable space in your home environment and prevent the build-up of clutter from reoccurring. Children will learn that everything has an allocated spot and they’ll know where to find it the next time they need it, instead of asking mum or dad where it is. It holds them accountable, and it can only be a positive reinforcement in the short and long term.
| Once they get into the routine of putting what they have used away, it will give your children the same feeling of ‘ticking it off the list’ as a task is completed. This helps build their self-esteem and self-confidence – that has got to be a bonus!
Keep tabs on your child’s progress and how they are developing and maintaining their organisational skills. It may take a bit of encouragement, but by making it fun and with meaningful praise, they will soon find their rhythm and learn that organisation is beneficial to them in school, at home and in life.
| You can hang a whiteboard, colourful educational and inspirational posters in their room or study to help keep them motivated.
Helping your children get organised is certainly a skill learned over time - for you and for them - and the sooner you start, the better. Implementing routines and organisational habits creates balance and better time management in their everyday environments.
Being organised also puts them 'ahead of the class' (pun intended) as they learn how to better manage their time and space more effectively. Healthy organisational skills help children prepare, and to succeed beyond school and in life.
Thanks for reading.
Remember if you ‘Love it, Cover it!®.’ with Kazzi Kovers.
Updated | 7th November 2024.
Author and Founder | Maria Kazzi

Kazzi Kovers takes pride in providing safe and natural alternatives to Protect, Organise, Store and Travel with our range of premium covers and accessories.
See Kazzi Kovers for our full suite of products, blogs, tips and updates.
Many parents champion cotton packing cells for organising and segmenting their child's school bag, travel pack and for sporting activities. These multipurpose, lightweight bags are ideal for fast, efficient packing and fit effortlessly into all types of school bags. They're fantastic for children's clothing, shoes, electronics, gadgets, books, stationery and miscellaneous items. The kids love the fun colours and prints. Bonus!
Kazzi Kovers kids bags are made from 100% cotton (because no one wants whiffy smells in their bag). Our breathable, eco-friendly bags are sassy, bold, versatile and come equipped with a 2-sided zip for your child to access their belongings quickly.
Organising your child's bag has never been easier, especially when their belongings are properly packed, segmented and are easily visible - saving them time and space.
- Cotton is a natural fibre
- Biodegradable within 5 - 6 months
- Low maintenance fabric
- Lightweight | Hygienic | Acid-Free
- Reflects heat in warmer climates
- Provides insulation in colder climates
- Environmentally-friendly
- Avoid using plastic bags, nylon, polyester or non-woven packing cells as they are unhygienic and create undesirable odours and promote bacteria in confined spaces
- Easy to wash in cold water
- Kazzi Kovers packing cells are quick to dry (dry flat).
That's why they're perfect for all kids bags and travel!
- Electronics Accessories Travel Organizer | Laptops | Cords | Adaptors | Scales | Locks | And More
- All Types of Clothing | Dresses | Skirts | Shirts | Pants | Jumpers (sweaters) | Jeans | Pants | And More
- Shoe Bags For Travelling Or Home Storage | Heels | Boots (ankle and knee high) | Flats | Sandals | Thongs (Flip Flops) | Sandshoes (Sneakers and Trainers) | Mules | Wedges | Espadrilles | And So Much More
- Delicates | Lingerie | Underwear Storage | Undergarments | Slips | Corsets
- Seasonal Pieces | Cashmere | Wool | Lace | Embellished Items | All Types of Furs | Hosiery | Tights | Scarves | Gloves | Berets
- Handbag Storage Bags | For Clutches | Wristlets | Wallets | Embellished Bags | Leather Bags | Fabric Bags and More
- Hat and Fascinator Storage Bag
- Accessories | Belts | Ties | Socks
- Beach | Keys | Sunglasses | Sunscreen | Spare Clothes
- Baby Items | Kid's Items | Clothes | Shoes | Nappies | Toys | And More
- Dance Wear | Costumes | Tights | Leotards | Shoes | Accessories
- Sports Attire | Yoga Wear | Gym Wear | Sports Gear | Spare Clothes
- And More.
Packing Cells are available in different PACKS
COLOURS | Midnight Blue | Green Envy | Getting Ziggy (Chevron) | Fuchsia Fever | Zulu Leopard | Latte Love.
SIZES | Small OR Medium OR Large
3 Pack: Same size (Eg: medium) and in the same colour (Eg: Pink).
--- OR ---
One in each size | 1 x Small + 1 x Medium + 1 x Large in the colour of your choice (displayed below).
These sassy 5 Pack - Mix 'n' Match sets help your children organise your clothing and pack their school bags more efficiently.
How to Get Organised – 7 Basic Steps
Laundry Bags – How to Protect Your Delicates
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