How to Get Organised – 7 Basic Steps


Life is busy! From balancing a job or business to family activities, and keeping up with the housework while trying to hold down a social life can get pretty hectic.

If you always feel like you’re running around and never get everything done and your 'to do' list is never-ending, then these seven basic steps will help you on how to be organised.

So start flexing your organisational muscles and take action. Let's go! 


To do listGet into the habit of writing out a 'To-Do List'. Anything and everything you need to remember to get done should be written down where you can easily find it. Be it in your diary, your smartphone, a planner, a whiteboard, or a calendar or perhaps you prefer a simple notepad. However, which way you choose to write out your list, just do it. 

| There is a 'feel-good' sense of achievement and accomplishment when you tick off your completed tasks, and it’s a great confidence builder! |

Stop procrastinating. Part of the reason we procrastinate is that the task at hand may seem too daunting or overwhelming. Break it down into small, achievable goals. Then start. Yes, start! Once you take that first step, then the rest will flow. Keep at it, and before you know it the task will be completed. 

Do the most important/urgent tasks first. Make your list from most important, semi-important to least important tasks. Focus on the most important and urgent tasks first and get them out the way. Then they're done! You won't have to think twice about it. Yay! Least important tasks can wait (a little) or list it on the “someday” list. These are not urgent but at some point will still need to be completed. 




















2. Set Realistic Time Frames

Egg timerSet realistic time frames to complete your tasks at hand and don’t make the mistake of setting short time frames that can throw your day or week into disarray and chaos. If you know it is going to take you up to two hours to clean the house, then don’t allocate an hour. If you know it will take approximately an hour to write a report, then allow for that. Master this, and you’re halfway there. It's all about time management and setting realistic time frames. 

| Have you heard the saying, "Busy people get things done?" They do. Their decision-making skills are piqued, and they rarely waste time. |

Colleagues at office deskReduce unnecessary interruptions such as extended ‘gossip time’ in the office or amongst friends, (even though we all love a good gossip sesh!) it can be a major time churner. Limit checking your Facebook, emails or other social media, or only when necessary.

| It is important to set your boundaries and learn the value of YOUR time and others will soon reflect that. |

3. Do It | Delegate It | Defer It | Drop It

Percentage infographicAny task or project can be divvied up into these four simple rules.

If you can Do It, then take action and do it immediately. 

If you trust someone and is qualified to do the task, then Delegate It to free up your time for more important tasks or chores. 

If a job does not need to be done now, then Defer It for later. 

Drop It altogether if it serves you no purpose, is a waste of time or put it in the “someday” file, if necessary. 

| Organisation is all about setting priorities and finding the right people, systems and routines that work for you to make tasks easier to navigate. |   

4. Put it Away

Organised shelvesGetting organised and into a routine of consciously putting away any tool, item, clothing (clean or used), kitchen utensils, crafts, and any other items immediately after using it (or when you buy something new) will save you time in the long run.

This way everything has an allocated spot, and you’ll know where to find it the next time you need it or need to use it. It also helps to label your shelves, boxes, drawers and containers so you can clearly see where everything is, and where everything goes (more on this in Point 6, below). 

| Putting away your items after use will clear up valuable space in your work or home environment and prevent the build-up of clutter from reoccurring. |

5. Declutter

Messy closetIf you don't USE it, LOVE it, NEED it or ENJOY it - then donate it, sell it, repurpose it or discard it thoughtfully.  

Ideally, you should declutter twice a year, minimum. To reduce clutter, start by getting rid of 5 - 10 items a day for one month. Begin with the bedrooms, followed by the office, kitchen, bathroom, laundry and then the other spaces in your home. It will be well worth the effort, and you'll feel fabulous.

| Decluttering and organising your belongings can surprisingly make you think clearer, increase productivity and positively impact your mood – all because ‘you cleared it out’ – in more ways than one. |

 6. Label It | File It 

Labelled folders on white shelfHere’s the bonus of labelling and filing ... You only have to do it once! It helps when your items and belongings, shelves and drawers are clearly labelled as you'll find what you're looking for quickly and effortlessly.

Use different colours to help you organise your belongings such as different folders or tags for your paperwork, or different coloured containers for different types of items so what you need is easily visible and accessible at all times.

Bundle similar items together such as stationery, craft material, toys, linens and seasonal items and store them out of sight or when not in use.  

7. Have Spare Time Up Your Sleeve for the Unexpected

Question markLife is unpredictable and unexpected things can happen. It is a good idea to allocate a small amount of time each week to compensate for unforeseen jobs, activities or incidents or use this time to catch up with things that you have missed during the week.

Organisation is a skill learned over time. It is the key to a fun and functional work-life balance. You may not need to use all of these steps, but once you find your rhythm, and what works for you - you, your family and your workspace will flourish. Happy organising! 


Thanks for reading.  

Remember if you ‘Love it, Cover it!®.’ 

Kazzi Kovers® | Updated 18th August 2022. 

Maria Kazzi :) 

Maria Kazzi | Kazzi Kovers®


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